Rabu, 15 Februari 2012


yeah! ini topik terakhir kita di semester 2. sebelumnya di semester 1 kita udah mempelajarinya nih.
tapi alangkah lebih asiknya kita belajar lagi.
dan topik ini saya tulis dengan semangat tingkat tinggi, karna akhirnya blog e-primbon ini kelar juga.
kok jadi curcol alias curhat colongan gini ya? haha
back to the topic! what is preposition in, on, and at??
chek this out and like this yoo :)

Preposition of Time : at, in, on

We use :
  • at for a PRECISE TIME
  • on for DAYS and DATESat in on
  • at 3 o'clock in May on Sunday


asik asik! sekarang kita talking talking (bahasa macam apa ini) about vocabulary around the house atau barang-barang seputar rumah kamu, rumah saya, atau rumah mereka, hahaha. yang pasti rumah pada umumnya.
apa aja sih yang ada dirumah kamu? jangan sampai ngga tau, apalagi sampai kalah sama anak TK yang jaman sekarang udah pintar-pintar waktu diminta nyebutin  :) 

Function of rooms


ini hampir sama halnya dengan kalimat tidak aktifnya bahasa Indonesia.
apa bedanya? atau persamaannya?
gimana sih kalimat tidak aktif nya bahasa kaum bule ini?
chek it! :)

Passive voice is a grammatical voice in which the subject receives the action of a transitive verb, and passive refers more generally to verbs using this construction and the passages in which they are used.


kali ini soal asking if someone remembers or not.
apa itu? kita pasti udah umum banget mengenai topik ini. 

so, what is the way to ask?

1. Formal expressions:

- I wonder if you remember.....
- You remember...., don’t you?
- You haven’t forgotten...., have you?
- Don’t you remember.....?
- Do you happen to remember it now?


talk about offering, we are talk about 'menawar'. apa ini erat hubungan nya dengan SPG? hmm ada hubungan nya pastinya.
misalnya menawarkan bantuan atau makanan atau barang. let's find out! :)

Offering may refer to:

* Offering, a collection of donations during religious worship, see alms, tithe or charity
* Offering, a religious sacrifice of plant, animal or human life
* Offering (Buddhism), a part of devotional practice
* Securities offering, a discrete round of investment, usually regulated in the United States by the Securities Act of 1933


yuhuu! asik banget nih kalo bahas soal simple future.
cause because, this is my topic presentation! :D
what do you know about this topic?
hmm maybe if u have idea how the video about simple future, please, comment! haha :D

Simple Future used explain event for future time with auxiliary : "will" or "be going to".
We have different ways to talk about the future in English


noun phrases itu apaan? ada yang tahu?
daripada ngga tahu sedikitpun dan jadi orang yang ngane-ngane atau dungu-dungu (hahaha), mendingan kita coba pelajari dulu :)

Noun is a word that names a person, animal, place, thing, idea, or concept, or anything considered as noun.
Remember that...
There are more nouns in the English Language than any other kind of words.


bahas soal finite verbs, jujur ane belum ngerti banget nih coy.
tapi sesuai sama lagu D'massiv "jangan menyerah", kita juga kudu jangan menyerah untuk belajar ini.
so, chek it out!

Definition of finite verb : a verb has subject, this means that it can be main verb in a sentence. It shows tense (past/present, etc) or number (plural/singular), a finite verb makes an assertion or expresses a state of being and can stan by it self as the main verb of sentence.


ngomong mengenai news item, ngomongin soal berita pastinya.
udah sering kan kita dengar berita. do you know what is the definition and the generic structure? study with me! :)

News item is factual text which informs the readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.


introductory it itu apa?
i don't really understand.
mungkin suatu kalimat yang diawali dengan kata 'it' kali yah..
bener ngga sih? daripada galau dan nebak2, mendingan kita pelajari! :)

When the subjective is an infinitive phrase
We begin a sentence with it when the real subject is an infinitive phrase. So instead of saying, ‘To accept your advice is difficult’, we say, ‘It is difficult to accept your advice’.

Structure: It + verb + subject complement + infinitive phrase (real subject)

It is easy to learn English. (= To learn English is easy.)
is easy to find fault with others. (= To find fault with others is easy.)
is difficult to know his motive. (= To know his motive is difficult.)
is difficult to find a good job during these troubled times.
is dangerous to play with fire.
could be dangerous to drive so fast.
Note that when we wish to emphasize the infinitive phrase, it may be put at the beginning, especially when it is short.

To err is human. (OR It is human to err.)
To become a well known writer was his life-long ambition. (OR It was his lifelong ambition to become a well known writer.)
To invest all your money in shares is foolish. (OR It is foolish to invest all your money in shares.)


wow! now we will study about descritive text..
dari jaman SMP hal ini sepertinya sudah kita pelajari. apa kamu sudah benar-benar menguasainya?
ayo ayo kita pelajari lagi lagi dan lagi! :)

Descriptive text is a text which describes a particular person, place, or thing.
Descriptive text, descriptive writing or text usually also used to help writer develop an aspect of their, e.g. to create a particular mood, atmosphere or describe a place so that the reader can create vivid picture of characters, places, object, etc.

Structure :
- Identification : identifies thing, person, place, phenomenon to be describe.
- Description : gives the information of particular thing, person, or place being discussed or describes parts, qualities, or characteristics.

Characteristics of descriptive text :
- using simple present tense. e.g : He is big golden Labrador
- using adjective or adjective phrase. e.g : little, smart, old, expensive, etc
- using attribute verb. e.g : be, am, is, are
- focus on specific participants. e.g : a dog, a cat, a tortoise

Example :

    We have three family pets : a dog, a cat, and a tortoise.
    The dog's name is Bob. He is big golden Labrador. He has big brown eyes and along tail. He is very friendly dog, but he sometimes a little stupid. Dogs are expensive to keep but they are fun to play with.
    Our cat is name Cuni. She is quite young, but she is not itten. She is very pretty. She has black and white fur and green eyes. She's smart, too and very clean.
    The tortoise's name is Roky. He has short, fat legs, along neck, and a very hard shell. He also very old and slow. He's ugly and dirty, but I like him. 


direct & indirect speech, atau yang biasa kita kenal kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung itu gimana sih?
u want to study? really? sure?
let's find out! :)

Direct & Indirect speech ??

Direct Speech refers to reproducing another person’s exact words or saying exactly what someone has said (sometimes called quoted speech).
We use quotation marks (“______________”) and it should be word for word.
For example:
Nalendro said, “I will go to the library”.

Indirect speech refers to reproducing the idea of another person’s words that doesn’t use quotation marks to enclose what the person said and it doesn’t have to be word for word.
Indirect speech is sometimes called reported speech.
The tense usually changes when reporting speech. This is because we are usually talking about a time in the past and obviously the person who spoke originally spoke in the past.
The verbs therefore usually have to be in the past too.
▪         Note: The reporting verbs that are usually used to report imperative sentences are: Tell, order, command, ask, warn, remind
▪         Don’t forget to mention the indirect object. Father warned me not to drive fast.

▪         When we want to report what someone said, we do not usually repeat their exact words, we use our words. We can use reporting verbs, such as tell, say, ask followed by ‘that-clause’.
Example: My mother said that she got up at 4 o’clock.
▪         When reporting verbs is in the Present, Present Perfect, or Future, there is no change of tense in the words reported.
Example: She will tell you
She says (that) she doesn’t know.
She has just said

In time expressions and pronouns
Direct speech
Indirect speech
Now Today/tonight
Last week
Next week
Then That day/that night
The day before/the previous day
The next/following day
The previous week
The following week/the week after
This/these Here
That/those There
They change according to the context
Sometimes we need to report someone’s questions. The reported question are introduced with the verb ask, inquire, wonder, want to know, etc.

Selasa, 14 Februari 2012


what is modals in the past form?
i'm understand.
but let us study together! :)

Modals In The Past Form
Modals in the Past form dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah kata bantu pengandaian dalam bentuk lampau.

Modals in the past are :
1. Could
2. Would
3. Should
4. Shall
5. Might

*Could + Verb base
We can use this expression : to offer suggestion or possibilities.
Example :
Santi : I’m having trouble with math.
Sinta : Why don’t you ask Ati ? Perhaps she could help you
Perhaps she could help you.

*Might + Verb base
Use might to tell possibillities.
Example :
Teni : Why is Jaka taking the bus to get home.
Suni : He might get a flat time.

*Would + verb base
Use would for an action that was repeated regulary in the past.
Example :
Yoan : What did you usually do on holidays ?
Lia : I would visit my grandparents In the village, but how not anymore.

*Would + Mind + V-ing
Use would to express polite request.
Example :
Mrs. Lady : Would you mind posting the letter ?
Nita : No, Not at all.

*Should + Verb base
Example :
Icha: Ima , you should go to library now ?
Ina : O.k.

pelajari selengkapnya disini:


lagi lagi kita bakal belajar mengenai narrative text. waktu semester 1 udah nih kita pelajarinnya..
tapi apa salahnya untuk belajar lagi? 
misalnya, saat kamu kecil, ibu mu biasa membacakan dongeng. apa dongeng termasuk narrative text??
bacalah tulisan dibawah ini untuk pelajari selengkapnya :)

Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense.

Purpose :
To entertain the reader with a story that deals with complications or problematic events which lead to a crisis and in turn finds a resolution.
The general structure of the narrative text :
Ø Orientation, it sets the scene and introduce the participants (it answer the question : who, what, when, and where).
Ø Complication, a crisis or a problem arises. It usually involves the main characters.
Ø Resolution, a solution to the problem (for better or worse). Main characters find a way to solve the problem.


What do you know about Asking For Information ?
what is that? and how is that??

Let us find out! :)

Asking Information: There are a number of formulas used when asking for information in English. Here are some of the most common:

· Could you tell me…?
· Do you know…?
· Do you happen to know…?
· I’d like to know…
· Could you find out…?
· I’m interested in…
· I’m looking for..

These two forms are used for asking for information on the telephone:
· I’m calling to find out…
· I’m calling about…

Here are some sample phrases and sentences for asking information in English
1. What is this? This is a tableThis is a table
2. What is that? That is a chair.
3. What’s this? It’s a pen.
4. What’s that? It’s an apple.
5. What are these? These are pencils.
6. What are those? Those are books.
7. Where is Mr. King? He is over there.
8. Where is Ms. Knight? She’s (right) here.
9. Where’s Johnny? He’s in the house.
10. When’s the movie? It’s at 9:00.
11. When’s lunch? Lunch is at noon.
12. How is the food? It’s delicious.

Information about company
What does your company do?
What is your specialty?
What do you specialize in?
What is your main line of business?

Information about products
Could you give me some (more) information on this?
What can you tell me about this (product)?
Tell me about this one/model.

Information about Price
What are you asking for this?
What does this sell for?
How much is it?

INVITATION (written)

you want to invite your friend to come to your party. but u don't know how to write invitation..
don't worry. just read this! :)


Invitation :
be sure your invitation letter includes :
  • the name of the person sponsoring the event who is the host/hostess?
  • exactly who is invited (can someone bring a guest, spouse, child?)
  • what type of social event is being held
  • the date, adress, and time of the event
  • directions or a simple map if the location may be difficult to find
  • what type of dress is appropriate or preferred
  • the phone number and deadline to reply, precede these facts with RSVP (French abbreviation for "please reply")
to invite someone :
- I would like you to ...
- we would be pleased if you could ...

to accept an invitation :
- yes, I would. Thanks
- all right !
- that would be very nice. thank you

to decline an invitation :
- I would love to, but ...
- that's very kind of you, but ...
sorry, that wouldn't be possible. thanks anyway

Example :


now we will study about gratitude, compliment, and congratulation.
apa sih mereka itu? maksudnya apa ya?
example: to give congratulation when your friend succes in the examination.
so, u want to know more? of course! chek it out! :)

Expression of gratitude or thanks to someone for helping us.

Expressing gratitude :
- I'm very much obliged to you
- Many thanks
- thanks for your help

Showing gratitude when refusing :
- thanks anyway
- no, thanks

Gusti : can you take me to the airpot now ?
Maria : OK. I will take you
Gusti : thank you very much for your help  

Expressing compliments praise saying to someone on the result of good work and interesting.

Expressing compliments :
- that's a lovely cake
- you've done a great job
- well done

Responding to compliments :
- thanks. Do you really think so ?
- I'm glad you enjoyed it

Nopri: it's really delicious. you are a great cook. 
Ditha : no, it's rather tasteless. I'm still learning how to cook

Expression congratulation on a persons success or happines.

expression of congratulations :
- congratulation!
- may I congratulate you on winning the contest
- please accept my heartiest congratulation

responses to congratulation :
- thanks
- thank you very much

Unyil : is it true you got the first rank in your class?
Usro : yes, why ?
Unyil : I just wanted to say congratulation on your success
Usro : thank you very much


what is Expression Of Surprise and Disbeliefs?
example: when your idol ask you to be boyfriend/girlfriend. maybe u can't believe. 
so, what is the way to get the right expression? :D

Surprises is a feeling that we feel when heard an amazing news which surprised and us an expression that we show/say when we know/hear/see something that rather difficult to believe.
Expression disbelieve is expression to not believe something or someone with reason or unreason. We can use expression disbelieves when we don't trust or believe something.

Asking if you believe or not :
- do you believe it ?
- you don't believe it, do you?
- can you imagine that ?

Responding to believe it or not :
- no, I don't believe it
- are you joking ?
- you don't say !

Telling surprising news :
- guess what !
- surprise !
- you won't believe it!

e.g conversation surprise:
Eka : I've got something news for you. Guess what!
Eki : what is it ?
Eka : we got an invitation from Shinee party at Aquarius Vino Club. It's free for student to night!
Eki : oh no! That's not true
Eka : you would believe it! I tell you truth
Eki : really! that's sound interesting. Let's go home, we must prepare all.

e.g of disbelieve:
Shiva : hey guys, I can't believe that Ashe has a good score in the exam!
Lulu : maybe she studied hard before she get the exam
Yuna : yeah, she right!
Shiva : but I'm not sure one hundred percent!
Yuna : whatever..

Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012


Temen-temen, udah umum banget ni mengenai "Preposition Phrase" nya di pelajaran bahasa Indonesia. tapi bagaimana dengan pelajaran pada bahasa Inggris. tanpa kita sadari, hal tersebut sangat lazim kita sebutkan dalam kehidupan kita. mungkin banyak yang belum tahu dan benar-benar memahami.  But, don't worry guys.. just read this blog and u'll know :)


 Recognize a prepositional phrase when you see one.

At the minimum, a prepositional phrase will begin with a preposition and end with a noun, pronou gerun, nd, or clause, the "object" of the preposition.
The object of the preposition will often have one or more modifiers to describe it. These are the patterns for a prepositional phrase:
preposition + noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause
preposition + modifier(s) + noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause
Here are some examples of the most basic prepositional phrase:
At home
At = preposition; home = noun.
In time
In = preposition; time = noun.
From Richie
From = preposition; Richie = noun.
With me
With = preposition; me = pronoun.
By singing
By = preposition; singing = gerund.
About what we need
About = preposition; what we need = noun clause.
Most prepositional phrases are longer, like these:
From my grandmother
From = preposition; my = modifier; grandmother = noun.
Under the warm blanket
Under = preposition; the, warm = modifiers; blanket = noun.
In the weedy, overgrown garden
In = preposition; the, weedy, overgrown = modifiers; garden = noun.
Along the busy, six-lane highway
Along = preposition; the, busy, six-lane = modifiers; highway = noun.
Without excessively worrying
Without = preposition; excessively = modifier; worrying = gerund.

Understand what prepositional phrases do in a sentence.

A prepositional phrase will function as an adjective or adverb. As an adjective, the prepositional phrase will answer the question Which one?
Read these examples:
The book on the bathroom floor is swollen from shower steam.
Which book? The one on the bathroom floor!
The sweet potatoes in the vegetable bin are green with mold.
Which sweet potatoes? The ones forgotten in the vegetable bin!
The note from Beverly confessed that she had eaten the leftover pizza.
Which note? The one from Beverly!
As an adverb, a prepositional phrase will answer questions such as How? When?Where? or
Freddy is stiff from yesterday's long football practice.
How did Freddy get stiff? From yesterday's long football practice!
Before class, Josh begged his friends for a pencil.
When did Josh do his begging? Before class!
Feeling brave, we tried the Dragon Breath Burritos at Tito's Taco Palace.
Where did we eat the spicy food? At Tito's Taco Palace!

Remember that a prepositional phrase will never contain the subject of a sentence.

Sometimes a noun within the prepositional phrase seems the logical subject of a verb. Don't fall for that trick! You will never find a subject in a prepositional phrase. Look at this example:
Neither of these cookbooks contains the recipe for Manhattan-style squid eyeball stew.
Cookbooks do indeed contain recipes. In this sentence, however, cookbooks is part of the prepositional phrase of these cookbooks. Neither—whatever a neither isis the subject for the verb contains.
Neither is singular, so you need the singular form of the verb, contains. If you incorrectly identified cookbooks as the subject, you might write contain, the plural form, and thus commit a subject-verb agreement error.
Some prepositions—such as along with and in addition to—indicate "more to come." They will make you think that you have a plural subject when in fact you don't. Don't fall for that trick either! Read this example:
Tommy, along with the other students, breathed a sigh of relief when Mrs. Markham announced that she was postponing the due date for the research essay.
Logically, more than one student is happy with the news. But Tommy is the only subject of the verb breathed. His classmates count in the real world, but in the sentence, they don't matter, locked as they are in the prepositional phrase.


hmm.. aku yakin deh, semua udah pada biasa liat iklan. baik iklan di Televisi maupun iklan-iklan di media cetak. tapi kamu sendiri tahu ngga sih apa itu iklan? u want to know? lihat dibawah ini :p 

Definition of advertisement :
Advertising is a communication whose is to inform potential costumers about to generic increased consumption of those product and service through the creation and reinforcement of brand loyalty.
For these purposes advertisement often contain both factual information and persuasive messages.
Every major medium is used to deliver these messages,including,television,radio,movies,magazines,newspaper,video games,the internet and billboards.Advertising is often placed by an advertising agency on behalf of a company.

In short,advert
Information for persuading and motivation people so that it will attract them to the service and the thing that are offered or informed.

Function of advertisement

In making an advertisement keep the following points :
1.Language of advertisement  :
  • Using the correct or suitable words
  • Using the interesting and suggestive expression
  • Using positive expression
  • Text of advertisement should be directed to goal
2.Content of advertisement :
  • Objective and honest
  • Brief and clear
  • Not  mocking to group or other producer
  • Attractive attention