Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012


Temen-temen, udah umum banget ni mengenai "Preposition Phrase" nya di pelajaran bahasa Indonesia. tapi bagaimana dengan pelajaran pada bahasa Inggris. tanpa kita sadari, hal tersebut sangat lazim kita sebutkan dalam kehidupan kita. mungkin banyak yang belum tahu dan benar-benar memahami.  But, don't worry guys.. just read this blog and u'll know :)


 Recognize a prepositional phrase when you see one.

At the minimum, a prepositional phrase will begin with a preposition and end with a noun, pronou gerun, nd, or clause, the "object" of the preposition.
The object of the preposition will often have one or more modifiers to describe it. These are the patterns for a prepositional phrase:
preposition + noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause
preposition + modifier(s) + noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause
Here are some examples of the most basic prepositional phrase:
At home
At = preposition; home = noun.
In time
In = preposition; time = noun.
From Richie
From = preposition; Richie = noun.
With me
With = preposition; me = pronoun.
By singing
By = preposition; singing = gerund.
About what we need
About = preposition; what we need = noun clause.
Most prepositional phrases are longer, like these:
From my grandmother
From = preposition; my = modifier; grandmother = noun.
Under the warm blanket
Under = preposition; the, warm = modifiers; blanket = noun.
In the weedy, overgrown garden
In = preposition; the, weedy, overgrown = modifiers; garden = noun.
Along the busy, six-lane highway
Along = preposition; the, busy, six-lane = modifiers; highway = noun.
Without excessively worrying
Without = preposition; excessively = modifier; worrying = gerund.

Understand what prepositional phrases do in a sentence.

A prepositional phrase will function as an adjective or adverb. As an adjective, the prepositional phrase will answer the question Which one?
Read these examples:
The book on the bathroom floor is swollen from shower steam.
Which book? The one on the bathroom floor!
The sweet potatoes in the vegetable bin are green with mold.
Which sweet potatoes? The ones forgotten in the vegetable bin!
The note from Beverly confessed that she had eaten the leftover pizza.
Which note? The one from Beverly!
As an adverb, a prepositional phrase will answer questions such as How? When?Where? or
Freddy is stiff from yesterday's long football practice.
How did Freddy get stiff? From yesterday's long football practice!
Before class, Josh begged his friends for a pencil.
When did Josh do his begging? Before class!
Feeling brave, we tried the Dragon Breath Burritos at Tito's Taco Palace.
Where did we eat the spicy food? At Tito's Taco Palace!

Remember that a prepositional phrase will never contain the subject of a sentence.

Sometimes a noun within the prepositional phrase seems the logical subject of a verb. Don't fall for that trick! You will never find a subject in a prepositional phrase. Look at this example:
Neither of these cookbooks contains the recipe for Manhattan-style squid eyeball stew.
Cookbooks do indeed contain recipes. In this sentence, however, cookbooks is part of the prepositional phrase of these cookbooks. Neither—whatever a neither isis the subject for the verb contains.
Neither is singular, so you need the singular form of the verb, contains. If you incorrectly identified cookbooks as the subject, you might write contain, the plural form, and thus commit a subject-verb agreement error.
Some prepositions—such as along with and in addition to—indicate "more to come." They will make you think that you have a plural subject when in fact you don't. Don't fall for that trick either! Read this example:
Tommy, along with the other students, breathed a sigh of relief when Mrs. Markham announced that she was postponing the due date for the research essay.
Logically, more than one student is happy with the news. But Tommy is the only subject of the verb breathed. His classmates count in the real world, but in the sentence, they don't matter, locked as they are in the prepositional phrase.


hmm.. aku yakin deh, semua udah pada biasa liat iklan. baik iklan di Televisi maupun iklan-iklan di media cetak. tapi kamu sendiri tahu ngga sih apa itu iklan? u want to know? lihat dibawah ini :p 

Definition of advertisement :
Advertising is a communication whose is to inform potential costumers about to generic increased consumption of those product and service through the creation and reinforcement of brand loyalty.
For these purposes advertisement often contain both factual information and persuasive messages.
Every major medium is used to deliver these messages,including,television,radio,movies,magazines,newspaper,video games,the internet and billboards.Advertising is often placed by an advertising agency on behalf of a company.

In short,advert
Information for persuading and motivation people so that it will attract them to the service and the thing that are offered or informed.

Function of advertisement

In making an advertisement keep the following points :
1.Language of advertisement  :
  • Using the correct or suitable words
  • Using the interesting and suggestive expression
  • Using positive expression
  • Text of advertisement should be directed to goal
2.Content of advertisement :
  • Objective and honest
  • Brief and clear
  • Not  mocking to group or other producer
  • Attractive attention


ngga cuman matematika loh yang punya rumus. dunia tenses pun ada nih rumusnya. mau tau mau tau? kali ini mengenai Present Perfect Tense, sob.. cekidot!!  :)

Present Perfect Tense is used for describing a past action’s effect on the present: He has arrived. Now he is here. This holds true for events that have just been secluded as well as for events that have not yet occurred.
Rumusnya Present Perfect Tense:
(+) Subject + have/has + V3
(-) Subject + have/sas Not + V3
(?) Have/has + subject + V3

Past Perfect Tense is a kind of tense that is used to describe an action or an event that started in a certain time in the past and completed or finished till certain time in the past too; or past perfect tense is used to express an action or an event that had happened before the other event or action happened.
Rumusnya Past Perfect Tense:
(+) Subject + had+verb III+cmplement
(-) Subject + had not+ver III+complement
(?) Had + subject +verb III+complement

Example :
(+) We had eaten before they came
(-) They had not eaten before we came
(?) Had they eaten before we came?


yuhuuuu! kali ini sedikit pembahasan mengenai Part Of Body dan Shapes.
apa sih namanya bagian tubuh yang berguna untuk mencium bau? sip! jawabannya hidung! atau dalam bahasa bule nya adalah nose. selain hidung masih banyak lagi bagian-bagian tubuh kita yang kudu kita tau namanya. so, jangan sampai kagok waktu ditanya apa bahasa inggris nya kaki.. tinggal baca blog ini dan taraaaaaaaa!! kamu akan tau :)

oiya.. selain itu juga ada mengenai bentuk-bentuk. bentuk Blackberry kesayangan mu itu apa ya?

A person's vocabulary is the set of words they are familiar with in a language. A vocabulary usually grows and evolves with age, and serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge.